Credit Freeze: Now is the Time

Credit Freeze: Now is the Time

Image: Hloom via Flickr In this day and age, our personal information is susceptible to be accessed by criminals who are working round the clock. If you’ve been holding out on getting a credit freeze because you’re not particularly worried about identity theft and did...
5 Ways to Maintain Excellent Credit

5 Ways to Maintain Excellent Credit

Now more than ever, your credit score is being used as an indication to gauge how responsible you are. Your credit score can be a deciding factor when renting a house, condominium or an apartment. Some employers are now even looking into how well you manage your...
Minimize these Financial Disasters

Minimize these Financial Disasters

Although disaster can hit your bank account on a moment’s notice, there are some emergencies you can prepare for. Big or small, financial crises will strain paying your bills and saving for retirement. And while you should have between six months to a year’s income...