by Narendra Singh | Jul 28, 2015 | Finovera-Blogs
I am getting that feeling again… that feeling like school will be in session before I know it. Those with school age kids know the drill; the enrollment forms and emergency contact cards, the school policy acknowledgements, medical release forms, etc. In my school...
by Narendra Singh | Jul 14, 2015 | Finovera-Blogs
Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds is very low and this savings vehicle doesn’t make sense in a higher risk investment strategy. However, for some people, savings bonds can be a safe and automated approach for saving money. Savings bond interest rates are fixed for the...
by Narendra Singh | Mar 31, 2015 | Finovera-Blogs
While collecting the latest trends and tips about stocks, bonds and big funds might grow your wealth, investors who want a long-term solution for maintaining secure retirement income often turn a simpler answer – annuities. The addition of this asset to your portfolio...
by Narendra Singh | Feb 23, 2015 | Finovera-Blogs
Tax deductions are a relatively easy way to save money. The key is to be aware of what is tax deductible and then to keep track of any tax deductible spending. Apart from the usual deductions, there are many more available for those who are self-employed. Here are...
by Narendra Singh | Jul 1, 2014 | Finovera-Blogs
Are you trying to figure out whether to get a roommate? Most people know that having a roommate can save them money, but what many people don’t know is how to effectively communicate with one’s roommate in order to make co-habitation beneficial for both...