Parents across the country know what time it is – Back-to-school time! This means a return to tight schedules, busier calendars, and backpacks full of papers. Worried about getting organized for the back-to-school season? Here are back-to-school organizing tips, that will help get you and your kids get back into  the swing of things.
1. Color code the supplies.  While you’re shopping for school supplies, buy binders, folders, shelves, or organizers in different colors — one for each member of the family. On the calendar, use different-colored pens or highlighters that correspond with each member of the family. At a glance, everyone can find their papers and see what’s on their schedule for the day.
2. Dump it out. Clean out backpacks every day so kids don’t miss important papers or communications from school. It’s no fun to stay home from a field trip because mom forgot to sign a piece of paper! Fill out paperwork every evening and have your child return it the next day. Don’t wait for deadlines, the sooner the better!
3. Create (or revive) routines. It’s much easier to find socks, baseball gloves, and library books the night before than in the morning. Do as much as possible in the evening, and you’ll be rewarded for it with smooth school mornings.
4. Lay out the lunch. Get lunch items ready the evening before. Fill snack-size bags with veggies and fruits for the next day, and set snacks aside for quick packing the next day. Make the sandwich in the morning so the bread doesn’t get soggy, and packing lunch is a breeze.
5. Streamline your household bills and accounts. Finovera makes it easy to track and pay your bills. You only have to remember one password, and the clutter that comes with paper bills is gone!  Less clutter equals fewer piles of paper for permission slips, hot lunch forms, and conference meeting requests to get lost in.